Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Party at My Crib

I’ve never been one for parties. I mean, I do like them but unlike most people, I don’t do much during parties. I don’t drink as much because I don’t like the taste of alcohol and well, I’ve never been one for drugs so taking any are out of the question for me. During a party the only thing I do is pretty much talk and watch whatever is on TV, if there is anything on it at all. Also, even though I do talk to a few people, mingling is sometimes hard. Most of the time, when a party starts, the hosts and half of the people who show up are already drunk off their asses and well, I don’t drink enough at parties to even get tipsy.

I’m not sure when I started to be such a drag when it came to parties since when I was a kid, I got invited and I would go to parties practically every weekend. I think it started though when I entered Junior High. When I did, I had just moved to Austin and I didn’t know anyone there. The result of that was getting no special invitation to the superficial “in” crowd in Junior High and the result of that was getting no invites to parties. In fact, I don’t remember ever going to a party during Junior High.

High School wasn’t much better either. The crowds had expanded and even though I was popular in High School I think that I was feared by many of the students because even though I was drug and alcohol free, I acted so different from many of my other peers that I think most of them thought I was either high or drunk when they first met me. That kind of puzzled me because well, from what I heard, that’s what people did when they went to parties: Get high and/or get drunk.

After High School I started to really hang out with people and this is when things really started for me. After High School I started to hang out with Pisha and Pisha did get invited to parties during High School. Since Pisha and I became very close and good friends fast it was only natural for me to meet some of her friends and this is how my career with parties started.

The first party was one that was actually thrown in my house. You see, while my parents were out of town I was home alone and Pisha basically lived with me at my house. She stayed there for about a week and after she left another friend of mine, Scant Queen, started to live at my house. Scant Queen basically wanted to live at my house for a week as well and since I was bored a lot of the time I let her even though I shouldn’t have.

You see, Scant Queen wanted to throw me a party. At the time the party was for me to meet other people since I wanted a boyfriend but in the end a lot of the gay people she invited through MySpace were busy that night and couldn’t come. A lot of them also had boyfriends that meant if I wanted a boyfriend it wouldn’t happen with any of them. Well, it also happened to be Scant Queen’s birthday that week and she decided to throw a party that was unfortunately at my house.

When the day of the party came I had made a lot of preparations to have fun and it seemed things would be fine for a while but after we had set up the stereo system, my older sister visited my house and saw the stereo system and she was immediately suspicious. Scant Queen and I tried to convince her that it was just for entertainment purposes because my radio was sort of busted and it seemed that we convinced her because she didn’t question us much. My older sister also had a baby, my niece, and I didn’t think that she would be showing up later.

The party came and a lot of people came. It seemed to be a nice party but I immediately noticed two things about the party. I didn’t know over half the people and the party wasn’t mine anymore, it was Scant Queen’s. She kept telling people that it was her party, which was fine at the moment. It did kind of piss me off that it was happening at my house and that my liquor was being served but I didn’t think much of it, that is until an unexpected visitor showed up.

You see, unbeknownst to me, my older sister’s ex-husband had taken my baby niece for the weekend and my sister decided to drop by my house later that night because she was suspicious about the stereo system we had set up. Her worst unspoken accusations were confirmed.

When my sister came I had to tell people to leave and well, I tired to do it as calm as possible. I first told the people in the back. I walked over to them and started to pick things up to clean up and told them, “Hey, I’m sorry to break up the party, but you guys have to leave. My sister just showed up.” A lot of people didn’t seem to understand but after a while they began to do so, but apparently they ignored me and walked through the house to leave rather than take the back door like Pisha, who was there, did.

As I walked back in the house I overheard my sister talk to Scant Queen. My sister asked Scant Queen if she thought she was stupid or something because Scant Queen had tired to convince my sister earlier that we weren’t throwing a party and Scant Queen did something that ended our friendship. She blamed it all on me. She said, and I quote, “This is DC’s party. I have nothing to do with it.” The bitch blamed the party on me when she had been telling other people all night long that it was her party. The bitch also had the audacity to continue the party somewhere else with other people while I cleaned all night.

I was more mad at Scant Queen that she blamed the party and didn’t offer to help me clean up my house after it which was my punishment after my sister discovered a party was happening at my house. Pisha and Dumb dumb who didn’t have anything to do with the party offered to help me clean up but I didn’t let them but Scant Queen, she didn’t even offer to help me clean up my house when it was her party all along.

The most frustrating thing is that when my sister acts like a total bitch she always adds the fact that she busted one of “my parties” into the argument when it happened over a year ago. I wish she would just drop it but when my sister acts more like the bitch she claims she’s not, she says things that not only make her a bitch but a cunt-licking, double-gendered bitch which I appreciate to not have to talk to. However, unfortunately it’s my sister’s prerogative to choose whom to talk to and she talks to me. For this reason, I can’t wait to have my own place so I can throw her out when she visits if she gets out of line.

I’ve gone to other parties but not all of them have been unpleasant experiences. The best parties I’ve gone to have been the gay parties I’ve been invited to before or involve people that I’ve actually met before. Good things always happen to me at these parties. I’ll perform Karaoke (which is one of my favorite pastimes), I’ll flirt with men (which is another of my favorite pastimes), or something completely random (like, for example, being lathered in butter and then having cocoa powder sprinkled all over my body) will happen. Those are my favorite parties and hope to attend more of those in the future.

All in all I believe parties are a great pastime because the ones that I’ve considered fun have always been a blast to go to and I’ve met loads of interesting people. It’s sometimes fun but it can sometimes be a pain. If you go to party and a lot of people have been drinking heavily it’s annoying to talk to them sometimes. A lot of the time, when people drink a lot they seem to know everything and if you talk to them about something that you only know about like your family, they will throw in completely pointless comments and act like you’re related to them. This happens a lot at Mexican parties and it annoys me when it does, because last time I checked, my last name wasn’t Hernandez, Gomez, Ramirez, or La Bamba La Bamba.

A lot of time parties also feature a lot of acts of public intimacy. People will hook up and like an animal, the hook up will be acknowledged and the property will be marked. However, nothing is more annoying or uncomfortable than watching someone you actually have romantic feeling for make out and/or grope with someone that they know but you do not. The people they have “hired” as their date or hook up that night also may not always be mean and it sucks because it means you can’t act like a bitch to them or hire other people to take care of them for you. Also, if I go to an orgy party, I prefer to know I’m going to one before I arrive so I can prepare myself.

Anyways, I hope to post pictures of a few parties and tell you another party story soon so please stay tuned. Also, visit my blog in early December to see the videos of the month for that week. See ya all soon!


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