Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Party at My Crib

I’ve never been one for parties. I mean, I do like them but unlike most people, I don’t do much during parties. I don’t drink as much because I don’t like the taste of alcohol and well, I’ve never been one for drugs so taking any are out of the question for me. During a party the only thing I do is pretty much talk and watch whatever is on TV, if there is anything on it at all. Also, even though I do talk to a few people, mingling is sometimes hard. Most of the time, when a party starts, the hosts and half of the people who show up are already drunk off their asses and well, I don’t drink enough at parties to even get tipsy.

I’m not sure when I started to be such a drag when it came to parties since when I was a kid, I got invited and I would go to parties practically every weekend. I think it started though when I entered Junior High. When I did, I had just moved to Austin and I didn’t know anyone there. The result of that was getting no special invitation to the superficial “in” crowd in Junior High and the result of that was getting no invites to parties. In fact, I don’t remember ever going to a party during Junior High.

High School wasn’t much better either. The crowds had expanded and even though I was popular in High School I think that I was feared by many of the students because even though I was drug and alcohol free, I acted so different from many of my other peers that I think most of them thought I was either high or drunk when they first met me. That kind of puzzled me because well, from what I heard, that’s what people did when they went to parties: Get high and/or get drunk.

After High School I started to really hang out with people and this is when things really started for me. After High School I started to hang out with Pisha and Pisha did get invited to parties during High School. Since Pisha and I became very close and good friends fast it was only natural for me to meet some of her friends and this is how my career with parties started.

The first party was one that was actually thrown in my house. You see, while my parents were out of town I was home alone and Pisha basically lived with me at my house. She stayed there for about a week and after she left another friend of mine, Scant Queen, started to live at my house. Scant Queen basically wanted to live at my house for a week as well and since I was bored a lot of the time I let her even though I shouldn’t have.

You see, Scant Queen wanted to throw me a party. At the time the party was for me to meet other people since I wanted a boyfriend but in the end a lot of the gay people she invited through MySpace were busy that night and couldn’t come. A lot of them also had boyfriends that meant if I wanted a boyfriend it wouldn’t happen with any of them. Well, it also happened to be Scant Queen’s birthday that week and she decided to throw a party that was unfortunately at my house.

When the day of the party came I had made a lot of preparations to have fun and it seemed things would be fine for a while but after we had set up the stereo system, my older sister visited my house and saw the stereo system and she was immediately suspicious. Scant Queen and I tried to convince her that it was just for entertainment purposes because my radio was sort of busted and it seemed that we convinced her because she didn’t question us much. My older sister also had a baby, my niece, and I didn’t think that she would be showing up later.

The party came and a lot of people came. It seemed to be a nice party but I immediately noticed two things about the party. I didn’t know over half the people and the party wasn’t mine anymore, it was Scant Queen’s. She kept telling people that it was her party, which was fine at the moment. It did kind of piss me off that it was happening at my house and that my liquor was being served but I didn’t think much of it, that is until an unexpected visitor showed up.

You see, unbeknownst to me, my older sister’s ex-husband had taken my baby niece for the weekend and my sister decided to drop by my house later that night because she was suspicious about the stereo system we had set up. Her worst unspoken accusations were confirmed.

When my sister came I had to tell people to leave and well, I tired to do it as calm as possible. I first told the people in the back. I walked over to them and started to pick things up to clean up and told them, “Hey, I’m sorry to break up the party, but you guys have to leave. My sister just showed up.” A lot of people didn’t seem to understand but after a while they began to do so, but apparently they ignored me and walked through the house to leave rather than take the back door like Pisha, who was there, did.

As I walked back in the house I overheard my sister talk to Scant Queen. My sister asked Scant Queen if she thought she was stupid or something because Scant Queen had tired to convince my sister earlier that we weren’t throwing a party and Scant Queen did something that ended our friendship. She blamed it all on me. She said, and I quote, “This is DC’s party. I have nothing to do with it.” The bitch blamed the party on me when she had been telling other people all night long that it was her party. The bitch also had the audacity to continue the party somewhere else with other people while I cleaned all night.

I was more mad at Scant Queen that she blamed the party and didn’t offer to help me clean up my house after it which was my punishment after my sister discovered a party was happening at my house. Pisha and Dumb dumb who didn’t have anything to do with the party offered to help me clean up but I didn’t let them but Scant Queen, she didn’t even offer to help me clean up my house when it was her party all along.

The most frustrating thing is that when my sister acts like a total bitch she always adds the fact that she busted one of “my parties” into the argument when it happened over a year ago. I wish she would just drop it but when my sister acts more like the bitch she claims she’s not, she says things that not only make her a bitch but a cunt-licking, double-gendered bitch which I appreciate to not have to talk to. However, unfortunately it’s my sister’s prerogative to choose whom to talk to and she talks to me. For this reason, I can’t wait to have my own place so I can throw her out when she visits if she gets out of line.

I’ve gone to other parties but not all of them have been unpleasant experiences. The best parties I’ve gone to have been the gay parties I’ve been invited to before or involve people that I’ve actually met before. Good things always happen to me at these parties. I’ll perform Karaoke (which is one of my favorite pastimes), I’ll flirt with men (which is another of my favorite pastimes), or something completely random (like, for example, being lathered in butter and then having cocoa powder sprinkled all over my body) will happen. Those are my favorite parties and hope to attend more of those in the future.

All in all I believe parties are a great pastime because the ones that I’ve considered fun have always been a blast to go to and I’ve met loads of interesting people. It’s sometimes fun but it can sometimes be a pain. If you go to party and a lot of people have been drinking heavily it’s annoying to talk to them sometimes. A lot of the time, when people drink a lot they seem to know everything and if you talk to them about something that you only know about like your family, they will throw in completely pointless comments and act like you’re related to them. This happens a lot at Mexican parties and it annoys me when it does, because last time I checked, my last name wasn’t Hernandez, Gomez, Ramirez, or La Bamba La Bamba.

A lot of time parties also feature a lot of acts of public intimacy. People will hook up and like an animal, the hook up will be acknowledged and the property will be marked. However, nothing is more annoying or uncomfortable than watching someone you actually have romantic feeling for make out and/or grope with someone that they know but you do not. The people they have “hired” as their date or hook up that night also may not always be mean and it sucks because it means you can’t act like a bitch to them or hire other people to take care of them for you. Also, if I go to an orgy party, I prefer to know I’m going to one before I arrive so I can prepare myself.

Anyways, I hope to post pictures of a few parties and tell you another party story soon so please stay tuned. Also, visit my blog in early December to see the videos of the month for that week. See ya all soon!


Monday, November 5, 2007

Videos of the Month for November, 2007

It's November, the month of the turkey and to some extent GLBT History Month. (It could have been last month but if it was I found out at the last minute and am celebrating it this month!) I wasn't sure what to post this month which is why I am posting like 6 days late, but fear not, I've now posted them!

I couldn't find too many videos about Turkeys or about GLBT history so I just took some videos from my favorite videos folder and as you know, some of them are pretty gay so I hope that makes up for it!

Anyways, here are the videos of the month for the month of November, 2007:

I Don't Feel Like Dancin' - a song by Scissor Sisters but a video performed by the amazingly cute Matthew Williams in Japan!
Vajapocalypse - A skit by The Soup about the word VAGINA AKA Va-jay-jay!
I'm Always Naked Because - A video from some blogger named Davey. He's always naked in his videos and here he answers why. Kind of pointless to some extent but he is a good piece of eye candy! Visit his blog at
and Gimme More - An acoustic cover of Britney's amazingly popular song. These boys were some of the winners of The Cutest Boy(s) on YouTube Contest. The acoustic cover is actually pretty good too!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy National Underwear Week!

This week (08/05/07- 08/11/07)is National Underwear Week. I didn't know this until it was August 7th, when it was National Underwear Day. To celebrate this week I openned up my folder of hot men and from letters A - J I picked at random some pics of men who predominately had pics of themselves with underwear. Here's what I came up with:



Go celebrate and dance in your underwear like these stars!

Alexandre Verga:

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Brent Van Zant :

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Charlz Chalmers:

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David Rich:

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Enric Escudé:

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Fernando Sippel:

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Jerome Ortiz:

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Jonathan Jesensky:

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And the man who started it all, Jim Verraros:

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So, what do you guys think?

Monday, July 23, 2007

La Dolce Vita, Coco the Corolla, "Where are the cows?", and FEVER

It’s been a while since I posted my last post but I have been busy with work and with my social life in general lately. See, I work at a place called La Dolce Vita and well, I hate and love the job. The good thing about the job is that the pay’s good (at least for the amount of work experience I have) and the people who I work with are a pure joy to work with. The bad things about the job are the hours and my boss, who also happens to be my brother.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but sometimes he can be a little irritating. He tends to have things done the way he does and he can be a prick sometimes. All in all, though, he’s a great guy and a fair boss but since my older sibling is my boss there are certain things that I can’t do in this job that I can do in other jobs. For example, if you’ve have a job for a while and your boss isn’t someone you’re related to, you can call in and tell your boss that you fell ill and do something else with your friends. I can’t do this at this job, because if I do I’ll be fired instantly.

In a job where your boss isn’t your sibling, even though you’re not supposed to, you can slack off some days and get away with it. Not in my job. If I slack off and I don’t finish all I had to do in a reasonable time I have to come in earlier the next day or in one of my days off in the week to finish the work I didn’t do.

Finally, in a job where your boss isn’t your sibling, you get off of work when your shift is over. Not in my job. In my job, I usually don’t get off until after at least an hour and a half after my shift is over. In fact, there is only one day in the month that I’ve been working there that I got off in time and one day I stayed an extra 4 hours and a half. That’s not good in my book… Hell, that’s not good in anyone’s book. And all of this, is because my sibling is my boss.

On Thursday I sort of complained about it to my brother. My brother thought that he was doing me a favor by letting me stay after my shift was over. How in the hell is that a favor? Do I get more money, yes, but how in the hell is that a favor? This is my job and I don’t really want to be a cook, and let’s face it, when you have a job all you want to do is get in and get out as fast as possible. All I’ve been doing is getting in as fast as possible but getting out later than I’m supposed to.

All my brother did to fix the problem was give me more hours. He made my shift end at a later time than it already does and he told me that most of the time I’d get out before my shift ended. He asked me if that would be a problem and I said it wouldn’t. I had a problem with staying after my shift ended, but leaving before it ended is not an issue for me. Most people like to leave before their shift ends because that means they have more time to do shit or can do extra shit before the day is over.

Anyways, another thing that’s happened lately is that I finally got a new car. Let me explain.

I have bad luck with cars. I don’t know why I have bad lucks with cars but I just do and when it comes to car accidents and things that have happened in my car that are bad they usually are a lot worse than other people car problems. Let me break down the bad things that have happened to me when cars are involved.

1) One day when I was walking across the street during my lunch hour in High School, a car hit me. I survived, obviously, but several things happened after the incident, including people calling my house while I wasn’t in school to ask when my funeral was, getting sued by the person who hit me for a broken windshield, and permanent scars on my arm and my head from the impact of the car crash.

The fucked up thing about the car accident is that I was never going to press charges on the person who hit me, but when I did after she pressed charges on me, the police seemed to be a lot more forgiving to her than they were to me, because I was technically breaking the law by not crossing the street on a crosswalk. The reason she hit me is because she was looking for a cigarette in the bottom of her car and didn’t see me when she wasn’t even legally old enough to smoke.

Crossing the street on an unmarked crosswalk where everybody already crosses the street or looking for something you’re not supposed to have legally and hitting someone marring and traumatizing him or her for life. I think the latter the worst, but the police don’t seem to think so. That’s why I now hate the popo and they can kiss my fat ass for all I care.

2) When I had my driving permit I was driving down a hill known in Austin as Spicewood Springs. The hill is very steep and when people from Dallas are over here and we drive down the hill they think that they are in a fucking rollercoaster ride. At the middle of Spicewood Springs, which is the bottom of a hill before it climbs up another hill, is a four way intersection that has cars driving at either side about 60 – 70 miles per hour. There is also a red light that there is usually a line for and the green light is on for about only 10 seconds before it turns back to yellow then red for about 5 minutes.

Anyways, I was driving down Spicewood Springs and I pressed on my brakes to go slower. My brakes gave out. I plummeted down the hill even faster and I was screaming so much – fearing my life – for the second time in less than one year that I completely disregarded my emergency brake. Finally, 3 quarters down the hill my brakes started to work and I saved myself. I didn’t have a car for about a year after that while my parents tried to find someone who could fix a car for free. They didn’t in the end.

3) When I was supposed to get my driver’s license, Pisha and I went to the DPS office to tell them that I was there to take my test. We parked the car and we got out. We were about to go in when we heard the sound of air escaping. We looked over at my car and I apparently got a flat tire while my car was parked… That’s just fucked up right there.

4) Shortly after I got my driver’s license, I was driving Pisha’s aunt, Dahling, back home. It was late and it was foggy. I turned into a one-way street driving down the wrong way. It wasn’t a big deal at first because the street was abandoned and I could easily do a U turn and get back on the right track. However, as I was doing a U-turn I saw a bus coming and my trauma from the car crash kicked in and I crashed into a ditch and a tree.

The police came, gave me a drinking test that I placed with flying colors and took me to a place where I could be picked up. Ever since then, Pisha and Dahling never let me forget it and freely tell everyone how bad of a driver I am. No one ever trusts me with their cars because I’ll apparently drive them off a cliff. It’s OK though, I really am a bad driver, which brings me to problem number

5) Every time I drive I happen to mess up one way or another. I’ll run a red light, I’ll run a stop sign, I’ll forget a light has turned green, I’ll drive on the wrong side of the road, almost crash into cars, peoples, animals, and plants, and other several big mistakes. One of the these days the police will see me and stop me from driving, give me a drinking test which I’ll pass and Pisha and other people will tell everyone how bad of a driver I am and my confidence with cars will diminish even more.

6) And finally, the most embarrassing thing that’s happened with cars and me is that I crashed into my garage door. I was sober and I wasn’t tired but I still managed to crash into it. It was three days before my 21st birthday and I had just dropped of Pisha at work. I drove back home and attempted to park in my driveway which drives downhill. I pulled in very carefully, aligned my wheels and then I stepped on the brakes… Or so I thought. I actually stepped on the gas and I drove right into my garage door, breaking it and drove halfway into my garage.

I was pretty embarrassed about the whole thing but a few days later my Mom told me, “We’re fixing the garage door. Happy Birthday!” My parents used my 21st birthday money to fix the garage. That’s pretty fucked up too.

That’s pretty much it. All of these things, my bad luck with cars, my bad driving skills, and other things that I prefer not to mention have led to things that I’m not really proud of. However, the reason I don’t have my car isn’t really my fault. You see Pisha loves the East Side and loves to visit it frequently. She knows the place like the palm of her hand and she can easily take you anywhere there. One day, after we picked a friend down there, we were driving back to my house so we could meet up with another friend and go have some dinner.

While we driving back home Pisha drove over something and we heard a terrible noise. We weren’t sure what had happened but after we got on the Highway my oil light turned on. We couldn’t park in the highway so we just decided to drive home. While we were driving we stopped at a stoplight and we noticed that my car was literally smoking. We got scared so we rolled down the windows to jump out in case my car caught on fire. We could smell burning rubber in the air.

We got home OK but my dad didn’t let me drive my car anywhere else that night. When he tried to fill my car with oil the oil leaked out and we found out that whatever we drove over had punctured a hole into my oil tank. When we took it to the shop and they didn’t return my car for over a week we called them and we learned that when we drove the car with no oil, we fucked up my engine so I didn’t have a car anymore.

That happened a few months ago but in Tuesday I got my new car. Sad thing is, even though it’s mine, the person who had driven the most has not been me, but Pisha and since she drives mostly when we’re together and we hang out all the time, basically it means I’ll hardly ever get to drive my car and it sometimes annoys the hell out of me.

However, I do have fun with Pisha and we’ve done a lot since I got my car. Actually, the first day I got my car we took a little road trip to San Antonio to see Pisha’s cousin, Satina, and to see a movie and basically hang out. Satina is 11 years old and she already drinks and smokes. She’s already gotten used to the taste of alcohol and she smokes cigarettes and I heard she wants to try weed. I can understand why though… She also lives in the country and the city is like half an hour away from her house. Basically, she’s an alcoholic/ drug addict waiting to happen.

However, Satina is fun to hang out with and we had fun with her, until we went to see a man that shall be called Seven. Seven is a Mexican who’s very unattractive. He used to be Satina’s neighbor until she or he moved but they still know each other. One weekend, when Pisha was in San Antonio Seven began to text Pisha on my phone. I didn’t really mind since I don’t pay my phone bill anyways.

Anyway, Pisha became very annoyed with Seven because he kept calling her sweetheart and baby and shit like that when she’d rather to be called a bitch and a whore. He kept texting her and to be funny I started to text him and tried to turn him bisexual. I think it worked because he wanted to meet me shortly after I began texting him. Anyways, on the morning of the day that we went to San Antonio Pisha texted Seven and asked him for one of her cousin’s phone numbers.

Seven though it was me and replied with a “You fucking cunt, you just woke up Seven.” Pisha was caught off guard and asked him who Seven was and he replied with “My other half.” This basically freaked Pisha and I out but we decided to meet him while we were in San Antonio. After we met him he texted me with a text that read, “You just met Seven out of Nine tonight. Trust everyone, just don’t trust the devil inside of them.” This totally freaked us out because in our mind Seven has nine split personalities and people with split personalities are usually bad news.

After that we’ve decided to avoid him.

Pisha hasn’t been the only one who’s driven my car. My other friend, Sony has driven my car too. Sony is a great guy. He’s only 16 but ever since I’ve met him I’ve had a huge crush on him. I know it’s sick because I’m 21, but in my defense he does look like an 18 year old. But yes, it is bad that I’ve never gotten over him because every time I’m reminded that he was born in the 90’s and I was born in the 80’s (even though it was the late 80’s) I feel like a pedophile.

Anyway, Sony is very attractive for his age and he goes through boyfriends like a girl on her period goes through tampons. He changes them ever so often. I think he’s had at least 10 – 12 different boyfriends since I met him and I haven’t even known him for a year. The only gay guy he doesn’t seem to want to date is I and it’s hurts because I am tremendously infatuated with him. He does sometimes hurt my feelings. He’s also gay but he loves my friend Pisha and sometimes disses me to talk to her when I’m right next to her and it hurts.

Last night (Saturday and Sunday), he hurt me in one of the most brutal ways possible. Sony’s parents don’t let him drive his car because he drives like a bat out of hell. He drives way too fast and breaks a lot of traffic laws. Anyways, since I had my car Sony decided to drive with Pisha and me and we had a marvelous time. We had to drop off Pisha later but Sony still wanted to hang out. We were supposed to go to San Marcos to see a friend of him and well, I thought he just wanted to hang out. I was wrong…

When we got to San Marcos and we met the guy (who I didn’t think was very attractive), I learned that they had only met briefly online and they were getting to know each other. I didn’t really care but it still sounded like hanging out to me. We were just making a new friend. We hung out with this guy and his other friends for a while and then we all decided to go see Hairspray! (which was fantastic if I may add).

I let Sony and his new friend drive in the front seats in car because, I don’t know, I’m a generous guy. When we parked in the movie theatre though, Sony and his new friend leaned over to each other and kissed. A red flag went up in my mind. THE WHOLE TIME, IT WAS A DATE! I was the third wheel and Sony had used me so he could have access to car on his date. I felt betrayed, hurt, angry, but most of all humiliated. I couldn’t believe that Sony, who knew how I felt about him, had done this to me.

I acted like it didn’t bother me and I was happy with it, but it did bother me and every time I saw them kiss, cuddle, and just be lovey dovey, I felt like they were dangling it in front of my face to make me jealous. I’ve wanted a boyfriend for a long time and this guy was making out with a guy whom I’ve been attracted to for months. It was brutal. When we drove home I was considering telling Sony what he had done since he seemed completely oblivious to it. However, when we parked he did something that made me forgive him: He said Thank You.

He was grateful that I had let him use my car and he had a great time. He said, “Thank you for tonight DC,” and then he gave me a hug. I don’t know why, but when he thanked me and hugged me I forgave him for the mistreatment he had given me that night. I know I’m completely infatuated with the boy, because when we touched, I could feel desire pulse throughout my blood and I could feel myself be flushed with fever. Sony had given me Fever like no guy ever has but it also hurts, because I know that he’ll probably never feel that for me.

However, I have no choice but to continue to hang out with him. I could break up with him and not ever speak to him again but Sony gives me fever and for me, it’s hard to give up on any guy who gives me fever, even if we don’t end up dating in the end. Sony was and has been my friend first and even though I may never have a chance with him I’ll always call him my friend

Monday, July 2, 2007

Video of the Week for July 1st, 2007 – July 7th, 2007

It's officially July and in Wednesday it's American Independence Day. July is sort of a sad month for me. Two summers ago my father's cousin, who he was really close to died. It was July 4th and the next day we were supposed to come back to Austin, but then my grandmother's condition (she had Alzheimer’s disease) worsened so we stayed longer than intended. 7 days later, my grandmother died.

However, since it was almost two years ago all the tears that I needed to be shed, have been shed and I'm ready to enjoy this July as much as possible. Two years, even though I did spend it with my cousins, it was ruined by two deaths. Last year, it was the first July since my grandmother died and I was living sort of sedentary.

Now, however, I spend my time with great friends of mine, I have a good job, I have a good life, my whole life is ahead of me and I'm still young enough to change it if I want, yet old enough to make calculated and thoughtful choices. And like the song, if you look hard enough, in someone's face you can find the map of the world.

So without further ado, the Video of the Week for July 1st, 2007 – July 7th, 2007 is:

From Yesterday by 30 Seconds To Mars

((Next Week: Any Suggestions?))

Monday, June 25, 2007

Video of the Week for June 24th, 2007 – June 30th, 2007

It's day late but here is my latest video of the week blog!

It’s Monday, June 25, 2007 and in a few days Gay Pride Month will be over. The last day of Gay Pride Month is in Saturday and what a great month it was. A lot of great things have happened in the gay community lately. We’re All Angels, a documentary about Jason and deMarco was premiered this month in New York, Gay Pride festivals have been happening all over the US and even though it doesn’t concern everybody, a friend trusted me enough to tell me he was gay and I told someone else I was gay (though, I’m not sure why he didn’t know before. It’s pretty obvious what my sexual orientation is).

Anyways, since it’s the last week of Gay Pride Month I decided to show you a gay video, which we need more of. I’ve found a lot but the thing is, to get a gay video I have to look for it, it’s never just there. It’s cool though. I think that being gay will be more open in the future and when it is, finding something gay will be fairly easy.

So without further ado, the video of the week for June 24th, 2007 – June 30th, 2007 is:

Curious by Johnny Dangerous

((Next week: I don't know. Anybody got any good ideas?))

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blogs, Drag, and FUEL, Oh My!

I haven't posted since Sunday night and I don't know why... I've been thinking of posting, really, I have, but I didn't want to present anyone with a post of another hot guy. There are plenty of other blogs that do that and I wanted my blog to kind of be like R*yan's blog. And what I just typed jogged an idea out of my mind. I'll tell you of other note-worthy blogs and sites that are worth mentioning.

When I log on the computer I always have the same routine. After I check my e-mail, I go to 4 sites which bring to attention a problem I have. Like I've said before, I'm completely boy crazy but since I don't see it as such a big deal I pride myself in feeding my addiction in the futile hope that I'll someday find somebody like the men that I look at with envy, simply because they are so hot that they could have whoever they want, but ended up being straight rather than gay.

The order of my sites is this (And the links are):
Most Beautiful The world #1 Male Celebrity site
Tottyland: A detailed investigation into the cute, shirtless, and even naked celebrity
R*YAN: Blogging with a queer bent
and Cisoto Fotos: Shirtless male celebrities from all over the world

I love the sites, even though most seem to feed my addiction to the viewing of men that I may never end up meeting and even if I did never have a chance to gaining for myself. I don't know why I insist on looking at these men and then saving thier pictures if I like the way they look. I mean, if I ever did gain a boyfriend would he be bothered by this? Would he break up with me because I was attracted to men that have some sort of fame either in TV, movies, modeling, and/or music and pathetically, I save their pictures? I don't know...

Anyways, I want more topics to discuss because I said I would tell you more about myself. I'll tell you all about FUEL. I'm gay and I'm a Christian. I've established this fact wholeheartedly, but well, I never did go much to church because the bible kept saying that homosexuality was wrong. It was terrible and even though I loved most of the people in my home church, I still didn't really feel welcome there.

You can't really blame me for not being welcome at my church. After my brother lanced me (and again, it was with my permission) members of my home church gave my dad a book about people who were once gay and then became straight through the power of prayer. When I saw the book I was like: "What kind of bullshit is this?" These people who claim to be straight but were once gay probably were never gay to begin with. You don't have a choice to who you're attracted to, but I think if you actually prayed to God to change you, well, then you don't really have high self-esteem.

Anyways, I was more hurt by the fact that someone in my church was trying to make my father feel better by giving him that book. To me it was like saying, "he still has time to change back" and it was like saying, "I'll pray that God shows him the way". I'm a Christian for God's sake! Just because I like the way a man looks and I happen to pick dick even though I've never tricked with a chick shouldn't make a difference if I'm going to heaven or not. I've been saved and I'm perfectly happy being the fabulous, gay man that I am.

I got tired of the treatment so I basically stopped going to church. I couldn't find solace in religion anymore and my faith was seriously faltering. Then one day I came across MySpace event invite. I had added a man whole shall be called the Progressive, Gay, Christian Man (PGCM) to my MySpace page. I didn't really know anything about him except that he was gay and he was a Christian like me. I don't know why I didn't look at his page for a solution to my dilemma at the time... I guess I just didn't think I would find it on MySpace.

Anyways, PGCM had sent me an invite to go to a Dinner in Drag. It was Halloween and his birthday and he wanted to make Halloween fun so he sent out a massive invite. I really had never been out in drag before but decided to go. I called along some friends and after telling me they wanted to go as well, I sent an RSVP and said I was taking 5 guests. First, I invited Pisha (who shall be mentioned a lot in this blog), my best friend. Pisha has been with me through a lot and even though it would later freak her out, she agreed to go.

I also invited Kinky (who shall also be named in this blog quite a bit), because she was cool and sort of my ride. I wanted to invite her because ever since I first met her I have loved her. She just holds an aura that attracts me and she's so fun to hang around with that I know I'll have a good time if I hang out with her.

I invited also Scant Queen (who shall be mentioned a lot in this blog). At the time, Scant Queen was a good friend and I knew she would go all out for it. She was fun at the time, but soon after, she would do something that would permanently put an end to our friendship.

Finally, I also invited Dumb dumb (who, yes, will be mentioned in this blog alot) because Dumb dumb is just fun to hang around with. It sounds horrible, but usually my friends and I use each other for things. We all know we do it but even though we are using each other we still remain good friends because when we use each other, it benefits the user and the one who's being used. Dumb dumb is used for entertainment so it's always a good time with her around.

Pisha and Dumb dumb decided to go as guys, so taking some of Dumb dumb's boyfriend's clothes, they dressed like guys. They also looked a little bit lesbian, but I didn't bother to tell them that fact. Kinky decided to dress like a guy too but she did it with fabulous flair. She looked a little bit like Ashton Kutcher when she was done and Kinky went as my date while Pisha and Dumb dumb went as each other's dates as well.

I went, in publicm dressed in drag. My hair was dyed and I had flower hair clips on and I had put on make up and I had a really cute pink top on with a frilly, white skirt. I put on shoes because I couldn't walk in high heels and they gave me fake boobs, but all in all, I didn't make a very attractive drag queen. I am quite hairy for a man of my age and I don't bother to shave my chest hair because I don't live near a beach, so I don't see the point of walking around topless.

We went over to Trudy's North Star and I was of course, gawked at, laughed at, and feared. My friends didn't seem to have the same problem, but I don't know, walking around in drag proved to be quite empowering for me. The hostess at Trudy's told us that the party turned out bigger than expected and they had sent the large party away. I called PGCM, who had given me his number and he told me they were at Chili's.

Since Chili's wasn't too far away we all walked there, most of the stares directed at me, but I didn't seem to care that much. When we finally got to Chili's and entered I knew I was going to have fun. The party was massive and consisted of easily 30 people. All of the people were gay and I felt right at home though Pisha and Dumb dumb didn't. Kinky had a blast as I did, which was awesome because like Pisha and Dumb dumb, Kinky was straight and had a boyfriend. It just showed me how cool Kinky was.

While at Chili's I also made friends with a bunch of other people. PGCM was the leader of a group called FUEL and most of the people there were from that group. I didn't know it then, but soon FUEL would become a large part of my life. After meeting everybody from FUEL I promised to go to a meeting and then I departed because since my friends didn't have any money (Pisha, Kinky, and I shared an appetizer) we decided to just call it a night.

That Sunday, I went to FUEL and the whole time there we spent it talking about God and about being gay people in a Christian society. It was exactly what I was looking for and I've been a loyal member to FUEL ever since then. Through FUEL, I also become part of another church which I can truly describe as my home church. The Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) was a church that had mainly gay members but was nonjudgmental to all that entered it's doors. To me, that's part of what being a Christian is all about and I've truly been happy ever since I found that church and the fabulous group of people that is FUEL.

Well, now, I must leave, but please to do visit my blog again. I promise that I'll try to post a lot more in the future! Sexductxy!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

MySpace, Patrick Nuo, and Video of the Week for June 17th, 2007 - June 23rd, 2007

There are several things in this world that I could not live with and I couldn't imagine not living with. Aside from the usual things such as water, food, friends, family, and hot men, I could not imagine not living with several technological advances, such as phones, TVs, and especially the a computer with working internet access. I love the fact that the internet makes the world a very small place and one of the internet's most popular sites, MySpace, makes it even smaller.

MySpace, in my opinion, is a wonderful tool. Not only can you post information about yourself, your interests, your hobbies, and people you'd like to meet, but you can also post blogs, bulletins about virtually anything, and you can make friends with anybody who also owns a MySpace page. If you're an artist of any kind you can also post sound or video clips of whatever you want to show other people and you can tell people the date, time, and location of your next gig.

MySpace has also paved the way into introducing people into the power of the internet by showing others how useful and how dangerous it can be. It also has yielded several hybrids such as D-List or GayWatch. MySpace, though, is also a drug and several of my friends have been known to be MySpace whores. Even one of my best friends, who claims to have a life, can spend hours upon hours on MySpace without slowing down. I don't consider myself to be a MySpace whore though I do love to update it once in a while.

One of the ways I update my MySpace is by trying to post a Video of the Week every week. Most of these videos are music videos and since I've decided to make Sexductxy as my main blog I decided to post my videos here too. There are several benefits since people can view previous and present videos of the week.

My Video of the Week, for this current week (June 17th, 2007 - June 23rd, 2007) is a music video by an artist I admire. Not only is his song "Beautiful" amazing, but he is really hot as well.

So now, I present to you, Patrick Nuo:

Here is a Wallpaper of Patrick for all of you who find him immensely hot as I do:

And finally, in my opinion, the pictures of Patrick really don't do him the justice he deserves. In order so you all can see how hot he really is, I've decided to post the video of the first song I ever heard from him. It's his 6th single, "Beautiful":

Unfortunately, Patrick isn't gay; though after seeing some of his videos it is questionable. I want more pictures of Patrick so if any of you have any pictures of him other then the ones I've posted, please do send them to me. I love the way he looks and I would be eternally grateful to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

To learn more about Patrick, who is a MBM (Most Beautiful Man), go here and here. Enjoy!

Sérgio Marone

Like I said in my first blog, which I posted just a few seconds ago, I like to post pictures of hot men so I will. As a side note: All my pictures are at least 500 pixels wide or tall (Just click on the picture to maximize them in another tab). If they're not, the pictures looked weird or distorted that big and most of the time if they don't look good, I don't keep the pictures anyway.

Another side note. I usually get the men I post from several sites, the most notable being Most Beautiful and another blog, Cisoto Fotos. If you want to see most of the men I post you can always go there and look at them but none of the pictures are the size that I post them at and some have a web address on the picture which bothers me and maybe some of you.

Finally, if you also have a large infatuation with the men I post and have even better pictures of them (preferably with no web address or logo on the picture and preferably a large size) please send me the pictures. I will not lie: I will keep the pictures but I promise to give you special thanks in the next post and if you have a blog, visit it as well.

Anyways, here the first man I shall show you: Sérgio Marone.

I rarely save more than 15 pictures of a hot guy but Sérgio Marone was a complete exception. I found so many great pictures of Sérgio in Cisoto Fotos that I ended up saving 20 which I have posted. Also, I broke my rule and made the pictures a larger size (minimum of 600 pixels) because he was just that hot. What got me were the pictures when he was wet and shirtless. Being wet and shirtless is a potent combination and Sérgio proves this.

To learn more about Sérgio visit Cisoto Fotos.

Remember, if you have better pictures, please comment telling me where I can find them!


Confessions… The title of my first blog says it all. I am here to confess to things that I’ve done and to tell all who read this the reasoning behind this brain of mine. I’m Latino, I’m a homosexual, I’m a Christian, and I absolutely hate stereotypes.

It’s not because I don’t fit the stereotype… I actually fit the gay stereotype quite well. I’m flamboyant, I have a great sense of fashion, I love show tunes and musicals, I’m boy crazy and possibly quite perverted, and everything I do is so gay there is no question in anyone’s mind what my sexual orientation is once they meet me. I, in fact, have no idea why my family didn’t know until I was 20 when I was lanced by my brother (with my permission of course).

The reason I hate stereotypes is for the only gay thing I’m not. I have a strong spiritual connection with Jesus Christ. I have ever since I was young and I probably always will. My story of revelation is nothing drawn out and amazing. I had just heard about Jesus all my life, I finally understood why people say he ‘died for our sins’ and I just decided, “Why the hell not?” and that night while I was laying in bed I asked him to become part of my life.

Even though that nothing amazing I do tell people that it was an amazing story full of visions, hearing voices, and other lies that I really don’t feel that much shame about. I know it’s horrible but I am a compulsive liar so I really don’t fell any shame when I bend the truth and I don’t feel any shame when I tell someone a complete lie to save my own ass or to get them off mine. I’ve lied to my friends, my family, and complete strangers and I don’t really feel any shame.

I know it makes me seem like a horrible person but I assure you I’m not. People describe me to be a very generous person but again I could be lying to you right now, but why would my fist blog’s title be confessions? I wanted to make a blog where people could actually read my thoughts and my reasoning and understand what I’m going through. My accent is very distinct but because of my Latino history I tend to talk quickly and most people can’t understand me when I’m speaking to them but my words through paper do flow quite nicely.

Anyways, when I thought about making a blog the first thing I promised myself was to actually tell the truth rather than bend it or lie to you. It’s be a waste of my time to write about lies and try to make you feel I’m some amazing human being when I can’t really change your way of thinking. I’ve never really been any good at changing people’s minds and it won’t be any easier for me to try to do that when you can simply go to another web page or log off the internet and forget what you’ve just read.

So, yeah, my blog is all about confessions. I’ll tell you about my friends (who’s names I’ll change to protect their identities), about my life (which I assure you is quite amazing and interesting weather you believe me or not), and what’s going through my mind (which you will find has lots to do with sex and men).

In addition, I will be posting pictures of men: Lots of hot, sexy, I’ve-died-and-gone-to-heaven men. I’m completely boy crazy in every respect and I am attracted to so many men that I have a list (and I’m not lying here) of men I want to fuck down on paper. The list is 8 pages long, front and back, two columns of each side, with about 25 names on each column. That’s 800 names and guess what, the list is still growing. I’m on page 9 on the third column somewhere. If I ever finish it (which I doubt I will) I’ll post it.

Finally, In addition to my confessions and men I would jump in the sack with I’ll also be posting chapters. Like lots of famous people (Tim Allen, Chelsea Handler, Margaret Cho, etcetera) I want to put writing under my list of careers; so like those famous people I’ll be posting chapters about my semi-charmed kind of life (I know, that’s a song but my life really is semi-charmed). Anyways, on with my blog: Sexductxy!