Thursday, June 12, 2008
Personal Bubbles, Orlando, and Teddy Bears
Why wasn’t I born with a personal bubble? Was it because of my upbringing? For most of my childhood life I lived in Latin America and in Latin America personal bubbles don’t exist. In fact, it’s considered rude to step away if someone steps close to you, even if they do invade your personal space. Also, living with a mostly Latin American family as the baby of the family I was never ignored and was always given a lot of attention. I wasn’t aware of personal bubbles until I first moved in America and someone told me to not get too close to them when I did invade their space.
However, after years of hearing of personal bubbles I’ve come to one final conclusion: PERSONAL BUBBLES DO NOT EXIST! I don’t care what you say but the simple truth is that personal bubbles are devices we make up to tell people we’re just not into them that way.
Let’s use an example. Let’s say that you really like this person so you unintentionally invade their personal bubble because you just like them that much. This person tells you to not invade their personal space by playing the personal bubble card. You respect this person’s personal space and let him/her have it. Fast forward a few weeks - or even days - later and you see someone new being very affectionate with the same person who you’ve been giving space; the same kind of affection you showed to them "so long ago". However, said person shows no signs of protest. They do not tell this new guy/girl to respect their space, they do not tell them to step away, nor do they play the personal bubble card. Miraculously, this person who told you to respect their personal space no longer has a personal bubble.
Why? Simple: They weren’t into you, so they told you to respect their personal space, but they do like this new person, so they don’t mind if the person does touch them and become affectionate with them. You could say, “Well, they probably know this person in a way you don’t know them. They might be new, but they might be dating.” They could, but still, if you really liked this person and they knew it, they would know you would feel cheated, you would feel hurt, you would feel so uncomfortable that you would rather do something else so you could ignore them in any way possible. By now, you should know this is how I feel right now but really, the personal bubble theory has always been lingering in my mind.
So now I suggest something to anyone that happens to read this blog. If you ever encounter someone that invades your “personal space” do not play the personal bubble card. You know, that if you’re single or once were, and this was someone that you did like, you wouldn’t say anything to stop them from being affectionate from you. In fact, you would be just as affectionate back and not give a fuck who was around you. You know this is true, so don’t try to deny it.
Anyways, on other news, it turns out I will not be in Fort Lauderdale while in Florida. I’ll be there for my training (or at least a place close to it) but I will not be there for my entire stay there. I’ll be in Orlando which sounds just as fun, but unfortunately, not the “gay-mecha” like I was hoping. I will post pictures of men I’ve met there so stay tuned to this blog as I will try to post on it more often to document my trip.
As promised I’ve decided to write a bit about another member of The Q I’ve become friends with: a friend who shall affectionally be referred to as Teddy Bear. Teddy Bear is the personal web guru in The Q. He completely revamped our website, added a chat room, a membership feature, and spent many hours working on the website, making it the best website it could be. Teddy Bear comes to The Q a lot too, cheering people up with his jolly disposition and his sense of humor. He’s a very likable person and to me a valued friend.
Teddy Bear is also very generous and when I didn’t have Coco the Corolla for a few months he gave me a ride home whenever he could. Our rides home are always interesting because when I ride a car with someone I like to talk with them. I might be annoying sometimes but I don’t know, it feels awkward to me if you’re quiet while someone is taking you home, because you won’t talk to them in you’re parting ways when the car stops moving.
Anyway, when I talk to Teddy Bear I usually talk about something I witnessed or something I’m thinking and Teddy Bear always gives me his input. A lot of times it seems like we’re having a debate but I value his point of view and take what he says to me to heart as Teddy Bear is a wiser individual than I am. I know that we’ll be friends for a long time and I look forward to talking to him when I get to the Q.
Anyways, that;s all I have to say for now. I’ll blog again when I’m in Florida!
Monday, June 9, 2008
British and Transvestite(!) Heat: Austin Drage
Well, for many years I’ve come back time and time again looking at Austin Drage who I learned was British. I used him as a character of mine and I kept on looking for him and found more pictures of whatever set he did but never found anymore pictures of him which I was curious about. Finally, a few days ago while looking at him and playing the character who has his him as his picture I finally took the time to find a video of him on YouTube. The videos I got were of him singing, a shirtless video of him (which I will post) and a video of the Honeytraps.
I wasn’t sure who the Honeytraps were but after seeing the shirtless video of Austin, I knew that he was part of some group so I assumed they were it. I looked at one of the videos and sure enough I thought I saw him and two other guys dressed like woman singing some song that sounded very familiar to me. Only later did I learn it was a tribute. I looked for more videos of The Honeytraps and found only one more where they sang the same song, but were still dressed like woman only a lot more convincingly.
I did even more investigating and finally found out what Austin Drage was a part of. In England (Maybe Denmark, I really don't give a shit) there was a show on C4 that was called Boys Will Be... Girls. The point of the show was to take a group of boys, make them appear like woman, have them show a video and try to convince the record industry that they were a new girl group when in fact these women were actually men.
The first video the Honeytraps made succeeded in this. If I hadn’t read the caption before and had seen this video for the first time I would be convinced that the video was that of women even though the singer of the band had a very husky sounding voice. The song was a cover of the song “Just Wishing/ If I Had A Photograph Of You” by Flock of Seagulls.
Is Austin Drage a transvestite? I don’t know. Is he hot even if he is a transvestite? FUCK YEAH! I love Austin Drage and I actually really like the song he did with his little band even though I can’t tell what woman he is. I think he’s the singer. Anyways, after the pictures I post of him there will be 4 videos. The videos are as follows:
1) A video of Austin Drage Shirtless.
2) A video from the show Boys Will Be… Girls which shows the boys looking at their video.
3) A full video of the finished product. I promise, you’ll be astounded.
4) The first video I saw and I though Austin Drage was one of them. It's a actually a tribute but worth a look even though they are not anywhere as good as the professionals. You can tell they are men in this one.
Anyways, here are the videos:
So that concludes my post about Austin Drage! Hope you enjoy him as much as I do!
Being Extraordinary and Florida
It’s 4 AM and after a night out at the clubs I really don’t understand why I decided to stay up to post a blog or two. The whole truth of the matter is that I don’t really post much on this blog as it evident to whoever has read this. It’s already June 9, 2008 and my last blog post was May 19, 2008. I probably won’t post again until I come back from Florida and even then I’ll probably be pulling shit out of thin air.
It’s not that I have a terribly unremarkable life; it’s just that it’s just not that remarkable. It’s not extraordinary in the least and an ordinary life will yield an ordinary individual and more than anything, I want to be extraordinary. I think that’s what most people want: They want to be extraordinary.
Think about it? Why are we so obsessed with the stars of today? We may say we hate them, but why do we hate them? Do we hate them because they’re stupid or do we hate them because we’re jealous of them that for some reason they get the attention we want? I mean, I say I don’t care what people say about me, but I actually do. I want people to like me, I want people to say: “Wow, DC is a great guy.” However, if I got the attention that someone like Paris Hilton got, I wouldn’t give a fuck what people thought about me.
We hate stars like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, and Lindsay Lohan because for someone reason they became extraordinary and we didn’t. We think: “We can do what they do everyday so why am I still ordinary? Why am I not extraordinary?” It’s a stupid thought really for I’ve learned from Davey Wavey’s blog Break the Illusion (Look for a link in the bottom of this post) that we shape our lives how we want them to be. If we say, “I am extraordinary” the universe will listen and we will become extraordinary no matter how ordinary we may seem. Our lives will resonate as being extraordinary as we are and we will yield its extraordinary benefits.
Now, as for some DC’s life news, a while ago I got accepted to a great opportunity. I got accepted to the Obama Organizing Fellows Program and I will be helping Barack Obama win the presidential election by spreading him message of change and volunteering for him at a state that at the moment seems to be Florida. I will, for sure, be doing my training at Fort Lauderdale and hopefully I’ll be staying there as well though I foolishly told them that I would relocate to another state if they needed me to.
I leave on Friday, June 13 and I will come back sometime in late July. I will be leaving in such an importune time. I leave the day before Pride Fest and my niece’s third birthday and I don’t even know when I’m actually supposed to be at the airport. I’ll be at Fort Lauderdale at June 13 at 1:15 PM but who will be there to wait for me? Will there be anybody there? When will the call me? Where is the county where I’m supposed to stay and do my training at? Will I get to stay in Fort Lauderdale? Millions of questions are resonating in my mind.
Well, I that WIT (What I’m Thinking) at 4 AM this day on June but I think I’ll be OK. I’ll post another blog right after this one! Have a good day everyone!
SEXDUCTXY!Click here to visit Break the Illusion, my favorite blogger's blog!