Friday, January 14, 2011

What I Think: The Cruel Side of Responsiblity.

I've never been drunk. In my 24 years of living in the Earth (nearly 25) I have never once been drunk or even tipsy. I'm sure I've been buzzed - but as far as getting smashed, wasted, or anything remotely like that, I've never been there. Another thing that I have avoided is getting high. I have a lot of friends that do get high, and getting my hands on some weed would be relatively easy for me, but I've never had the desire to get high.

Some people would regard a person like me as being boring. They think that since I don't get drunk or high I can't loosen up like everyone else does, though I know that's a bunch of BS. If you've kept up with my blog you'd know that I'm always the first one to do "drunk things sober", and I continue to fool masses into believing I'm on something when I have nothing fueling my shenanigans.

I, on the other hand, regard my always being the sober and coherent as an admirable trait. However, recently I've found it to be a double edged sword. If you're one who people are always sure is sober and coherent, they think they can get as wild as they can. Since you're OK nothing can go wrong. Basically, you instantly take on a lot more responsibility, and if something does go wrong, you're the one at fault. Since you could have prevented someone from doing something stupid or illegal, it's your fault if you just let it happen.

And I might sound horrible for saying this, but I'm sick and tired of being the responsible one. This doesn't mean that I'll start drinking or getting high, but lately, I feel like I've been getting used, especially when I go downtown with my friends. I'm always the designated driver. But I have to wonder, if I didn't agree to drive anymore, would I go downtown at all? I have a good time when I go downtown but the end of the my night is always filled with drama and irritation. I don't like dealing with drunk people for a number of reasons, but I'm also the one who always tolerates it because if I argue about it my friends will just get angry with me. I love my friends and always forgive them but seriously, when is enough, enough?

One of my friends threatened to hurt me tonight. I was for a stupid reason and he was just drunk. I should feel angry, but I feel compelled to just forgive him. I mean, he was just drunk and he'll be OK in the morning. However, I can't help questioning what would have happened if I didn't agree to drive tonight? Earlier, when I came to join my friends Hilton and his boyfriend, Fourth, were both drinking Four Loko. If you don't know what they are, Four Loko are energy drinks that contain alcohol. They were deemed unsafe for some time and it was illegal to sale it, though apparently the ban has been lifted.

Hilton and Fourth both drank an entire can each, and shared the second one. Later that night they were obviously smashed and in no position to do anything. However, the strange thing is, Hilton and Fourth knew that Four Loko would get them that drunk. I wonder what would have happened if I suddenly got sick and told them I wasn't going to go downtown. I'm sure they would persuade me to still go, but would they get angry if I still refused? I feel the only reason Hilton and Fourth decided to get wasted before we went downtown was because they had a confirmed ride home.

Saying that I'm being used sounds a little harsh, because the truth of the matter is friends use each other all the time. How you use a friend might not be as clear as how you use other people but friends are always using each other. I use the friends I go downtown with for their cars. Since I don't have one at the time their car is the only way I can go downtown and still be sure I'll get back to where I'm staying at a reasonable time. They way they use me in return is by making me always be the designated driver.

Perhaps it's a fair trade. I'll admit, when I go downtown I usually don't find myself around the company of the friends I went downtown with. I prefer to go to Oilcan Harry's (OCH) while my friends go to RAIN or Kiss & Fly (K&F), simply because I feel more comfortable at OCH. My friends don't go to OCH much, I suspect for the same reason I don't go to RAIN or K&F as much. But still, I have to wonder, if I did hang out with them all night, would they respect my wishes if I told them I didn't want to drive?

Is anyone out there in the same boat as me? Do any of you not like to drink and always seem to find yourself as the designated driver, whether you wanted to be it or not? I don't believe I'm the only one. I just want to know, if you made it clear you didn't want to drive that night would you find yourself going downtown at all?


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