Monday, January 10, 2011

I want a boyfriend...

Even though I didn't get a lot of comments in the blog I did get a lot of responses about my last post. One of my friends on Facebook suggested I write down a list of what I want in a boyfriend. I've been told to do it before and I decided I might as well. Many people believe that if you write down what you want, you'll send out a message to the universe and the universe will give you what you want. It's like having a vision board - another thing I need to do one of these days.

I decided to share the list with you, and give reasons to why I want this in a boyfriend.

1) I want a boyfriend who is attractive. It sounds shallow, I know, but attraction I feel is sometimes a tricky subject to judge. Even though it's incredibly cliche, the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" holds a lot of truth when you talk about attraction. People who I've found physically unattractive have become completely desirable after I get to know them, and people who I've found physically attractive have become completely undesirable after I learn how much of a douche bag that they are. Also, attractive people themselves sometimes find themselves unattractive because we, as humans, have a tendency to amplify the most unattractive features about ourselves and in turn begin to judge how truly beautiful we are. I guess a better way to phrase #1 is I want a boyfriend who I find attractive - inside and out.

2) I want a boyfriend who finds boldness refreshing. My boldness is sometimes one of my most damaging qualities. I tend to talk about things that no one else would really talk about casually, mostly because I find the subject interesting and it will start a conversation. There are normal subjects like music, movies, and food, but I find these subjects won't start long conversations, unless you go really in depth. However, if you talk about something like someone's first time or their sexual fantasies, you don't only learn more about the person in general but also learn something more interesting than whether they enjoy crawfish or not.

3) I want a boyfriend who is affectionate. One of the first things people learn about me if that I'm very lovey-dovey and touchy feely. I enjoy giving out hugs for no real reason and I enjoy kissing very much. A lot of people get uncomfortable with giving and receiving affection, even if its in private. I want a boyfriend who wouldn't mind it.

4) I want a boyfriend who's not overly possessive. I might like being affectionate with my boyfriend but like I mentioned in my last post I need some time to myself. If my boyfriend is too possessive of me it opens a can of worms that just can't be solved, for there are certain things about me that a possessive boyfriend just can't accept. I'm way too boy-crazy for my own good, I hug EVERYONE, and I don't want to hang out everyday. Possessive boyfriends do care a lot (sometimes way too much) about these things because they are constantly questioning their boyfriend's faithfulness and that just won't fly with me.

5) I want a boyfriend who is happy. I want a boyfriend who is generally happy. It doesn't mean they can't have bad days or be in a foul mood once-in-a-while but I tend to be hopeful and look at the glass half full, even in points in my life when I had every right not to. I learned how to cheer myself up and I want someone who is independent enough to do that. If you look Emo that's fine as Emo boys are hot, but I'm not looking for someone who needs someone to constantly cheer them up. If you can cheer me up too than I'll return the favor, but if you can't pick yourself up every once-in-a-while then we just won't work.

6) I want a boyfriend who is empathic.
Even though I'm not Emo I am generally someone who operates on his feelings. I tend to have very strong emotions and beliefs and I want someone who is sensitive to that. My boyfriend doesn't have to agree to them, but I do want him to understand where I'm coming from. It's never been bad (I've never been described as bipolar), but I do have a thought process that 0perates differently from others.

7) I want a boyfriend who is boy-crazy, yet monogamous. This one is mostly for similarity purposes. I tend to admire many men, be very boy-crazy, and be very flirtatious. For some reason I developed a very flirtatious nature (I flirt without even trying) and often times I will tell someone they're hot if I think they are. I'm not looking for anything in particular when I compliment someone - I just like to encourage people. As a Pisces though, I tend to be very monogamous despite my boy-crazy, flirtatious nature so I wouldn't cheat on someone. I want someone who does the same. We can even do it together and double-team the hot guys!

8) I want a boyfriend with a good sense of humor. My friends and I have a lot of inside jokes and stories about each other, and we have the tendency of telling them to other people all the time. If you can laugh along with us we'll love you even if we don't work out.

9) I want a boyfriend with a big cock. Now this one is shallow. I'm a bottom and sex is generally more pleasurable if you have a nice, big cock. You might be thinking, "But DC, it's the motion of the ocean that counts, not the size of the boat." That might be true, but I've found that the bigger the vessel, the better the ocean feels.

This list can grow and change overtime, but for now these are the things I want in a boyfriend. If there is anything you think I should add or reconsider leave me a comment!


In the near future I'll most likely be making and posting videos of me up in the blog. If you would like to hear my opinion about something or hear me speak about a topic leave me a comment and I'll consider using your idea for one of my videos!

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