Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sérgio Marone

Like I said in my first blog, which I posted just a few seconds ago, I like to post pictures of hot men so I will. As a side note: All my pictures are at least 500 pixels wide or tall (Just click on the picture to maximize them in another tab). If they're not, the pictures looked weird or distorted that big and most of the time if they don't look good, I don't keep the pictures anyway.

Another side note. I usually get the men I post from several sites, the most notable being Most Beautiful and another blog, Cisoto Fotos. If you want to see most of the men I post you can always go there and look at them but none of the pictures are the size that I post them at and some have a web address on the picture which bothers me and maybe some of you.

Finally, if you also have a large infatuation with the men I post and have even better pictures of them (preferably with no web address or logo on the picture and preferably a large size) please send me the pictures. I will not lie: I will keep the pictures but I promise to give you special thanks in the next post and if you have a blog, visit it as well.

Anyways, here the first man I shall show you: Sérgio Marone.

I rarely save more than 15 pictures of a hot guy but Sérgio Marone was a complete exception. I found so many great pictures of Sérgio in Cisoto Fotos that I ended up saving 20 which I have posted. Also, I broke my rule and made the pictures a larger size (minimum of 600 pixels) because he was just that hot. What got me were the pictures when he was wet and shirtless. Being wet and shirtless is a potent combination and Sérgio proves this.

To learn more about Sérgio visit Cisoto Fotos.

Remember, if you have better pictures, please comment telling me where I can find them!

1 comment:

Hussy! said...

Thanks for the link! Sérgio is lovely, isn't he?

I'd to make it clear that I never put any addresses on the photos, myself (except for some old vidcap collages I put together). If there are addresses on the photos, it's because someone else put them there, and I haven't been able to find any other copies of the pictures.